Monitoring Cron Runtime In Ruby

We have our web backend in Ruby on Rails, and we use many gems for different purposes. One such useful gem is whenever. We have thousands of cron tasks running per day. As our system scaled, it was essential to make sure these tasks run in the expected time. For e.g., if a task has to run every hour, we must make sure that it runs in less than an hour. If it takes more than the expected time, the relevant teams must get notified. To avoid multiple copies of cron, whenever provides a solution using linux file locks. Though whenever provided a very clean syntax for defining and deploying cronjobs, it does not provide any mechanism for tracking them. So we started building a simple in-house solution.

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At Loconav, we engineer scalable systems at a high velocity. To do so, the software we develop and use must be simple to understand, simple to scale , and easily accessible. That’s why we support open source software. We take the help form best of the community, and contribute our best work back to the community.

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